SUPPLY - The Brunswick Town Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution recently recognized the five members who logged the highest number of service hours in 2020 at the March DAR meeting. DAR members around the country log their voluntary service hours which meet DAR’s mission of contributing to patriotism, education and historic preservation, and other activities that benefit members of our community.
Despite COVID, Brunswick Town members accumulated more than 6400 community service hours in 2020 with such activities as volunteering for a hospice, working in the schools, hospitals and libraries, service to veterans and veterans’ organizations, volunteering for other service organizations, sewing protective masks and more.
Candle Wick Awards - Brunswick Town DAR Vice-Regent Martha Koletar talked about the hours of service that our Chapter and the National numbers that have been recorded for 2020. The winners of this year's Candle Wick awards are: First place went to Norma Eckard with 1724 hours, second to Carol Jutte with 825, Third to Teresa McLamb with 750, fourth to Cheryl Lambert with 733 and fifth to Diana Fotinatos with 658 hours.
Cheryl Lambert 4th place
Teresa McLamb 3rd place