Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tea Party - RSVP by March 25, 2015

On Wednesday, April 1, 2015, The General Davie Chapter, NSDAR, will be hosting an Afternoon Tea honoring our State Regent Peggy Troxell.  It will be a wonderful time to celebrate with our State Regent as she nears the end of her term. 

Find the white gloves and plan to attend!!  The Tea will be held at Hill House, 900 South Hill Street, Durham, North Carolina from two until four in the afternoon.  In mid-February, we will be sending an invitation to each regent in North Carolina and we would like for each regent to forward the information to each member of her chapter.  We would like to have R.S.V.P.s by March 25.  A regent can respond with compiled information from her chapter or a member can respond individually.