Fran Carlsen, Brunswick Town Chapter’s Wreaths Across America
Chair and Phyllis Wilson, Brunswick Town Historian set up a display table for
Wreaths Across America to make more people aware aware of this program at The
Warrior Ride event on Oak Island on October 21st. We struggle every year to
have people purchase a wreath to place on a grave of a fallen soldier at
Wilmington National Cemetery. This Warrior Ride Program was publicized in
newspapers, local newsletters, etc. Well, you often wonder who reads your
newspaper articles, but Marcia Rowbottom, our DAR State Yearbook Chairman, who
lives in Southern Pines, NC saw the article in The State Port Pilot that Fran
and Phyllis would have a table at the Warrior Ride Event on October 21st from
9:00-4:00 at Middleton Park in Oak Island, NC. She and her husband drove down
to visit the even and to visit Brunswick Town to plan an event later on next
spring at Brunswick Town. It was wonderful to see Marcia again and to meet her
L to R: Phyllis Wilson, Fran Carlsen and Marcia Rowbottom