Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Brunswick Town Chapter's February Meeting is on Valentine's Day

Don't forget to attend the February 14th DAR meeting, which will be held at Brunswick Electric - 795 Ocean Hwy W, Supply, NC at 10:00 a.m.  Be sure to arrive earlier to visit with others. Lunch will follow the meeting. Please be sure to send a check made out to Brunswick Town DAR Chapter for $9.25 and mail it to Carol Jutte. Her address will be in our yearbook. Check your e-mail for additional information from Carol. Please read the  Brunswick Town Newsletter that Public Relations Chair, Martha Koletar prepares each month for additional information. Don't forget to visit our Facebook page too. 

The guest speaker is Lynn Carlson, from Hope Harbor and the title of  her program is  “Women’s Issues.”  Everyone should wear red to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Image result for free images for Valentine

Monday, January 29, 2018

Wreaths ACross America Volunteers Lay Record Number of Wreaths at Wilmington National Cemetery on December 16, 2017

L to R Front row: Mary Sands, Connie Hendrix, Sally Meginley, Donna Agopsowic, Chair Fran Carlsen, Diana Fotinatos, Carol Jutte;
L to R Back Row: Phyllis Wilson, Dana Majernik, Pat Gooding, Deanna Antonio, Jeanne Nelson, Pat Steele; Absent from photo – Carol Sutter               

Wilmington National Cemetery without wreaths


Washington Crossing the Delaware Presented at Brunswick Town DAR Meeting on December 13, 2018

Cast of members seated: Dale Spencer, Phyllis wilson, Peggy Harris, Diana Fotinatos, and 2nd row: Kathy Johnson, Carol Hart, Nancy Mazzei, Lynn deen, Marth Beth Losch, Brooke Triplett, Pat Tucker, Anneta Clark, Susan Zimmerman, Diane Price, Carol Jutte, Fran Carlsen, Pat Gooding and Martha Koletar.
George Washington played by Brooke Triplett, Martha Washington played by Pat Tucker and our narrator and director, Martha Koletar
It was a bitterly cold winter in Pennsylvania and New Jersey along the Delaware River. On the New Jersey side of the river were 3,000 Hessian soldiers- German mercenaries hired by King George III to fight against the Americans.

The setting was the American Continental Army camp near the Delaware River. General Charles Cornwallis had sent a report to the British Parliament, assuring them that the Continental Army would soon go down in defeat. General George Washington and those under his command had a different view. Although bedraggled, frost bitten, hungry and tired, the Americans composed of Militia and Volunteers were more determined than Cornwallis had bargained for. They would gain liberty and freedom at all cost!
this special Christmas program was directed by Martha Koletar and featured an outstanding cast of characters - all men, with the exception of Martha Washington, sat around a camp fire reading poignant letters that had written to loved ones before crossing the Delaware River that fateful Christmas Day.

Regent Carol Jutte played the role of General Cornwallis and Brooke Triplet played General George Washington and Kathy Johnson announced the names of the letter- writers, Mary Beth Losch wearing a beard was Lt. George Shaw. The play was narrated by Pat Gooding and Martha Koletar. Other cat members were Phyllis Wilson, Diane Price, Diana Fotinatos, Annetta Clark,Nancy Mazzei, Peggy Harris, Fran Carlsen, Lynn Deen, Carol Hart, and Pat Tucker, and Susan Zimmerman, Slide Projectionist.

Jane Johnson and Cindy Sellers and new DAR member

Myrtle Watson Turns 100 Years Young!


   L to R: Cindy Sellers, Registrar; Carol Jutte, Regent; Myrtle Watson; Lynn Deen, Secretary; Pat Gooding, Vice-regent; and Phyllis Wilson, Historian Chapter members visited Myrtle Watson to celebrate her 100th Birthday.

Myrtle Watson holding a framed Wreaths Across America certificate in memory of her husband.

Myrtle and Regent Carol Jutte

Seated: Suzanne Winterhalter, Faye Cashwell, Connie Hendrix, Lynn Deen, Sherrill Sykes
Standing: Cindy Sellers, Myrtle Watson, Betsy Hamer, Carol Hart, Mo Stankard, Gwen Causey 

Myrtle Watson recently had a very special 100th birthday celebration when some members of the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter came up to surprise her and have lunch with her at the beautiful retirement center where she now lives in Wilmington, NC. Myrtle joined the Daughters of the American Revolution October 1969, which was 49 years ago.

At lunch, Myrtle talked about how she moved to Southport in 1937 when she was 19 and the only pavement was two blocks on Howe Street and two blocks on Moore Street. Her father was the new pastor of Southport Baptist Church.  Some young men of the church came to help move the family into the parsonage as they had heard that the new preacher had girls!  It turned out that she fell in love and married one of those young men, D I Watson, whose father ran the pharmacy.

She went to the DAR Continental Congress in 1976 and President Gerald Ford spoke to the members and they were able to tour the White House; that was 42 years ago. After retiring to Oak Island, Myrtle transferred her DAR membership to Brunswick Town Chapter.

All the ladies that attended the luncheon were amazed at how vivid Myrtle’s memory was and hoped she would continue to live many more years and remain in such good health. The chapter gave her a bouquet of flowers, a framed Wreaths Across America certificate donating a wreath to Wilmington National Cemetery in memory of her husband, D. I. Watson US Army Air Corps, and a birthday card along with the chapter paying her dues starting in 2019. Myrtle also celebrated her special birthday with family and friends.
