Tuesday, February 14, 2017

March 8, 2017 Brunswick Town DAR Meeting

The March 8, 2017 DAR meeting will be held at 10:00 AM at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 209 East Nash Street, n Southport, NC. The guest speaker will be E Giford Stark. The presentation will be "Lighthouses Before, During and After the Revolutionary War.

Please start bringing Easter Baskets or Easter items for the students at DAR Crossnore School.(No nuts due to allergies). Our goal is for 85 baskets. For more information contact, Regent, Diane Kuebert (910-253-8853) or Registrar, Cindy Sellers (910-540-0301).

Be sure and visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Brunswick-Town-Chapter-NSDAR.