This website is not an official NSDAR website. The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. The President General is the official spokesperson on issues that have not been addressed as policy of NSDAR. Contact blog manager, Phyllis Wilson at for additional information or Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR Regent, Mary Sands at We are located in Southport, NC.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Brunswick Town DAR Meeting Wednesday is January 9, 2019
The next monthly chapter meeting of the Brunswick Town Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 10 AM at Brunswick Electric on Rt. 17, Supply. The program will feature the 2018 Outstanding Achievements on the 43rd Birthday of the Brunswick Chapter. For more information contact Regent Carol Jutte 419/ 529-9433 or email her at or Registrar Cindy Sellers 910/540-0301 or email her
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Info From the December 12, 2018 Brunswick Town DAR Meeting
The December 12th meeting was held at the BEMC (Brunswick Electric Members Coop) on
Rt. 17 in Supply. The meeting began at 10 AM, followed by a catered luncheon. We enjoyed
the music of Cape Fear A Cappella.
DAR Scholarship By Pat Steele, DAR Scholarship Chair The
Brunswick Town DAR Chapter is accepting applications for scholarship awarded by
the NSDAR, available to all senior students in Brunswick County. Please share
this awesome opportunity for scholarship money with your children,
grandchildren and neighbors. Two scholarships of approximately $2000 are
available to two worth students entering or enrolled in academically accredited
technical schools, community colleges, colleges, or universities. There is no
GPA requirement. Deadline is February 1st. Please call 910-755- 5573 for an
application and more details. There are additional National DAR Scholarships
available on line at
Constitution Chair Diana Fotinatos mentioned
last month we talked about the preamble to the Constitution. Today Diana reminded us after the
Constitution was ratified, a document was added that reaffirmed the limits to
the Constitution and protected the rights of all citizens. Diana asked: “What was the document called?”
Susan Erickson answered The Bill of Rights correctly.
Commemorative Events
Gerald Decker was honored for his service during Vietnam and organizing a four-day bus trip to Washington, DC for 27 veterans on October 4, 2018. Gerald is a member of the Leland American Legion post 68 who helped sponsor the trip which was put together in two months. The Veterans were men and women who served during the years from WWII to Afghanistan.
American Indian Minute Chair, Cheri Lambert told us The Passamaquoddy Tribe sent 26 men to WWI. Inscriptions telling the story of the tribe’s involvement were discovered on cave walls in France. Six men were wounded or died in the war and have been honored posthumously. Cheri announced we received another proclamation in November from Mayor Alan Holden form the city of Holden Beach.
National Defense Chair, Kathy Johnson reported on The U.S. Space Command, created in 1985 to develop systems to utilize outer space by the U.S. Armed Forces. To learn more about this Command read the November/December 2018 National Defender in the DAR Members’ section.
DAR Good Citizens, High School Co-Chair Donna Agopsowicz reported on the process of selection and each County HS has a candidate for this award.
Historic Preservation Chair, Joan Hall showed us a pin made by a member of Stamp Defiance Chapter. The pin was voiced off with money collected going towards the Simpronius Russ Memorial preservation. Helen Radcliffe was the winner.
L to R: Helen Radcliffe and Joan Hall, Historic Preservation Chair
Gerald Decker was honored for his service during Vietnam and organizing a four-day bus trip to Washington, DC for 27 veterans on October 4, 2018. Gerald is a member of the Leland American Legion post 68 who helped sponsor the trip which was put together in two months. The Veterans were men and women who served during the years from WWII to Afghanistan.
American Indian Minute Chair, Cheri Lambert told us The Passamaquoddy Tribe sent 26 men to WWI. Inscriptions telling the story of the tribe’s involvement were discovered on cave walls in France. Six men were wounded or died in the war and have been honored posthumously. Cheri announced we received another proclamation in November from Mayor Alan Holden form the city of Holden Beach.
National Defense Chair, Kathy Johnson reported on The U.S. Space Command, created in 1985 to develop systems to utilize outer space by the U.S. Armed Forces. To learn more about this Command read the November/December 2018 National Defender in the DAR Members’ section.
DAR Good Citizens, High School Co-Chair Donna Agopsowicz reported on the process of selection and each County HS has a candidate for this award.
Historic Preservation Chair, Joan Hall showed us a pin made by a member of Stamp Defiance Chapter. The pin was voiced off with money collected going towards the Simpronius Russ Memorial preservation. Helen Radcliffe was the winner.
L to R: Helen Radcliffe and Joan Hall, Historic Preservation Chair
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Wreaths Across America - December 15, 2018 at the Wilmington National Cemetery
People gathered Saturday Dec. 15, 2018 at the Wilmington National Cemetery to take part in the Wreaths Across America event.528 Boxes / 4,752 Wreaths (9 wreaths to a box). I know the web site says we have a few more but this is what made the cutoff. 95% of our goal of 5,200. Anything over the 4,752 most likely will be credited to next year. These wreaths were placed on headstones across the cemetery. The program is carried out nationally every December at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.
Volunteers from the DAR Brunswick Town Chapter who manned the forces of passing out the wreaths to hundreds of people along with their volunteers from the Wilmington and Leeland area. Also, the Civil Air Patrol came to the rescue to assist opening up additional boxes of wreaths to place on the tables for the all the guests who placed the wreaths on the graves of the Veterans.
L to R: Phyllis Wilson, Historian, Carol Jutte, Regent, Pat Gooding, Vice-Regent, Donna Agopsowicz, Good Citizen High School Co-Chair, Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chair, Jeanne Nelson, DAR Good Citizen, High School: Co Chair and Vicki Wade, Public Relations Committee
Amy Catanzaro of Wilmington and her husband Sam also saw an advertisement for Wreaths Across America in the Leeland Nexdoor Newsletter and decided to come up early in the morning to help. They too called Fran Carlsen and told her they would help out.
Barbara and Matthew Hearn saw an article in the Star News about Wreaths Across America and contacted Fran Carlsen, our Chairman and met her early in the morning and worked for hours unloading boxes of wreath to be placed on the graves of the Veterans at Wilmington National Cemetery.
L to R: Donna Agopsowicz and Jeanne Nelson, DAR Good Citizen, High School: Co Chairs
Fortunately, for our Bag Piper, there was a lull in the rain so that he could play his bagpipe.
L to R: Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chairman; Phyllis Wilson, handled publicity in the newspaper, Nextdoor Neighborhood Newsletters in St. James and Leeland areas, Just Judy Newsletter, e-mails sent out to numerous people in her neighborhood. Regent Carol Jutte sent out e-mails to DAR members as frequent reminders to buy wreaths. Phyllis maintains three blogs and a DAR Facebook page. All had information on how to order wreaths. Making others aware of what Wreaths Across America is all about is so important. You can purchase a wreath any time you want. Phyllis gives them as gifts for birthdays and if someone passes away. You can give a wreath in Honor of someone and in Memory of someone. If you haven't bought a wreath and would like to for 2019 contact Phyllis Wilson for more information on how to do this. There is a tab at the top of this blog that is labeled Wreaths Across America. Click on it and follow the directions. Contact Phyllis at 910-253-1474 or e-mail her at
Carol Jutte, Regent of the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter, Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chair,and Pat Gooding, Vice-Regent
Thursday, December 13, 2018
"The Back Porch Rockers" Received the 2018 Community Service Award from the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter at the December 14th DAR Meeting
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution established Community Service Awards in April 1995 as an opportunity for chapters and states to recognize worthy individuals and organizations for outstanding unpaid voluntary achievements in cultural, educational, humanitarian, patriotic, historical, citizenship or environmental conservation endeavors. The individual or organization must have contributed to the community in an outstanding manner through voluntary heroic, civic, benevolent service, or by organizing or participating in community activities.
"The Back Porch Rockers" can be described as an all-around good time band, playing classic rock'roll, rockabilly, soul, and beach music. All of the band members are retired and together they decided it was time to give back.
All of the group's proceeds for events, go to charities, fund raisers, and people in need.
They have played various venues and have been part of local charitable fund raiser for: Providence Home, Samara's Village, which helps teen mothers, Lions Club, American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Our Military, USO, Warrior Ride, Cape Fear Cruiser events in support of Brunswick County Children's Charities, events for the Maritime Museum, Farmer's Market, Spring-Fest, and the Southport Fourth of July Festival, The Brunswick Toy Run, a group that ensures that many children in poverty here in Brunswick County have a nice Christmas. They took 139 children shopping this year providing $125 to use to pick out what they needed and wanted. They also awarded two $1,000 scholarships this year. A small group doing great things!
More on "The Back Porch Rockers can be found on their Facebook page. Go to Search and type in The Back Porch Rockers. The actually website take you do another group.
Information provided by Stephanie Hoisd
Band members, From left to right:
Steve Privott, Linda Harlow, Dave Testa, Martin Murphy, Jim Irvine, Kurt Chismark, Randy Lewis
DAR Community Service Chair Stephanie Hoisd and Carol Jutte, Brunswick Town Chapter Regent
It was indeed an honor to be recognized by such a wonderful and important organization. The DAR does such fine work on so many levels. Thank you all so very much, this means so very much to us. We hope that your members will take the opportunity to come out and see us in 2019.
Randy Lewis
Randy Lewis
Monday, December 3, 2018
Wreaths Across America- Let's Put a Wreath on Every Grave - Like We Did Last Year! December 3rd Last Day to Sponsor a Wreath
4,752 Wreaths will be delivered tor Saturday. More donations came in and will be counted toward next year.,
2018 SO FARThis is the time of year that we need to ask for donations for wreaths to be placed on every grave at Wilmington National Cemetery. We managed to get a wreath for every grave last year, so we hope we will get many donations this year. Last year was the first time that there was a wreath on every grave at Wilmington National Cemetery. You can make out a check to Wreaths Across America and mail it to Fran Carlsen, 3924 Members Club Blvd,SE; Southport, NC 28461 or Phyllis Wilson 2737 Juneberry Lane SE; Southport, NC 28461. Or you can click on the website below and donate directly to our chapter. Or if you prefer to dial a number and make a purchase you can do that too. Just try to donate a wreath or wreaths very soon because the cut off date is at the beginning of December. There is a tab at the top of our blog that you can visit to make donations. You can click on a website to take you directly to donate or you can call a number. Check out the tab at the top of the website. As articles keeping getting posted on the blog this article will move down. That is why I am suggesting to click on the tab at the top of the blog. Thanks. Phyllis Wilson |
Go to the website for Wreaths Across America
Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR (NC0009P)-
(click on website )This above link is a direct line to our chapter to donate.
If you are having problems ordering a wreath then call the main number for Wreaths Across America at 877-385-9504, someone will answer the phone M-F between 7am - 7pm. Sat. and Sunday 9am - 2pm. If you call at a different time you can leave your name and phone number and someone will return your call. You can buy a wreath by credit card or debit card. It takes about 5 minutes and you will get a receipt e-mailed to you right away. You need to tell the person you are ordering from that your group is Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR (NC0009P) for our chapter to get credit for the order. You also need to tell them the cemetery is Wilmington National Cemetery, Wilmington, NC.
REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom.
Welcome to Brunswick Town DAR Chapter Wreaths Across America Page. Please help our group raise funds by clicking one of the red "Donate" button to sponsor wreaths to be placed at one of the locations listed below. . . It is easy!
Information taken from the Wreaths Across America website.
Wreaths Across America
"This year, when you place a Wreath on a Veterans Grave, you will know it is not just a wreath. It's your personal gift to an American hero, and you will swell with pride, and have a tear in your eye knowing you've done something special for our Veterans and their families. God bless out Veterans and God bless America."
Fran Carlsen, Chair Wreaths Across America
Contact Phyllis Wilson if you are having difficulty accessing the website or problems ordering a wreath. You can also make out a check to Wreaths Across America and give it to either
Sunday, December 2, 2018
December 12th Brunswick Town DAR Meeting Held at Brunswick Electric at 10 AM
The next monthly chapter meeting of the Brunswick Chapter, National
Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is Wednesday, December 12 at
10 AM at Brunswick Electric on Rt. 17, Supply. The program will feature the
Cape Fear A Cappella group. For more information contact Regent Carol Jutte
419/ 529-9433 or email her at or
Registrar Cindy Sellers 910/540-0301 or email her at
Lunch With Genie
Lunch with Genie and Workshop Save the Date − Tuesday, February 19, 2019 The genealogy workshop and lunch will be: TIME: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm PLACE: BEMC in Supply TOPIC: “Digging Deeper” LUNCH: Catered by Art Catering Details will be emailed to membership and appear in the January DAR Newsletter.
Sharing our Research Books
By Diane Price, Librarian
We will be sharing books on the New
England states. Would you bring your book
or books to share following the meeting for
others to do a look-up? This was a great
success last month.
Brunswick County Schools
Brunswick County Schools
By Cindy Gulledge, Community
Classroom Chair
At the October meeting we collected over $650
in school supplies for Supply Elementary and at
the November meeting we collected
over $200 for Bolivia Elementary. The school
has set up a Hurricane Relief Wish List on
Amazon for items that are needed or
“wish for”. If you would like to donate
additional items to Bolivia Elementary, then
please visit Amazon at:
to view the list of items.
Operation Gratitude
Project Patriot Going Strong
By Susan Erickson, DAR Project
Patriot, Chair
Okay knitters and coachers. We need
scarves to send to the active military. I will
be collecting scarves at the December &
January meetings for Operation Gratitude.
Sizes we need are: 4’’or 6” wide by 41” to
46” long, with no fringe.Lunch With Genie
Lunch with Genie and Workshop Save the Date − Tuesday, February 19, 2019 The genealogy workshop and lunch will be: TIME: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm PLACE: BEMC in Supply TOPIC: “Digging Deeper” LUNCH: Catered by Art Catering Details will be emailed to membership and appear in the January DAR Newsletter.
Bring Research Books to Share
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Summary of the November 14, 2018 Brunswick Town DAR Meeting
The November 14, 2018 DAR Meeting was held at Brunswick Electric in Shallottee. Vice Regent Pat Gooding introduced NCSDAR State Regent Carole Weiss. Carole spoke of her administration’s theme: Tying the Past to the Present is our Gift to the Future. Her State Regent pin is a bow symbolizing the theme. Celebrating our DAR Heritage will be the theme of the NCSDAR Conference in April. President General Ann T Dillon will be in attendance. At the conference, Carole will be telling daughters about her administrations four planned projects: 1st renovations to The Conductor Room at Constitution Hall, 2nd a sound system for the stage at Constitution Hall, 3rd black curtains for productions at Constitution Hall, 4th Sponsorship of a woman’s room at the Veteran Living Center in Butler, NC. With Carole today are Judy Caison and Susan DeGroote of the Stamp Defiance Chapter. They displayed items to sell in support of the State Regent’s projects. Regent Carol Jutte presented Carole Weiss with a check from Brunswick Town Chapter to help her with her State Projects.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Emily Queener who passed on July 10, 2018. She was a native of Mount Holly, NC. Emily enjoyed helping people and was a nurse for over 50 years. Emily worked every week at the Dosher Hospital Flea Market. Emily became a member of the Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR on February 4, 2012.
Pat Gooding gave the President General’s message. Ann T Dillon thanked members for participating in the National DAR Day of Service in October. She mentioned an upcoming trip to the Southern Caribbean to learn how the Islands played a part in our Nation’s fight for Independence. With the Holidays season approaching Ms. Dillon hopes members take time to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for and challenges each of us to start a Thanksgiving journal, recording daily at least one thing that has meaning to you. The DAR Christmas Open House will be held on December 5th. All members visiting in town are invited to attend.
National Defense Chair Kathy Johnson reported on the iWitnessed iRemember Project. Madeleine LeBeau, a high school student and Girl Scout created this program after being inspired in 7th grade when she had the chance to speak with WWII Veterans. To find more out about this program go to
American Indian Minute Chair Cheri Lambert spoke of two types of code talkers, documented and undocumented. Research is being done to identify the undocumented cold talkers. Cheri told us of Nowata resident and Cherokee Nation citizen, George Adair, who performed telephone-talking services. Cheri informed us this is American Indian Month and she received a proclamation from Sunset Beach Mayor, Dr. Greg Weiss.
Conservation Minute Chair Mary Sands told how we could preserve an important part of our Nation’s history by planting heirloom plants in our gardens. Mary asks if anyone has started a pollinator garden to register it on the National Society’s Conservation Committee Webpage. Go to - click on Committees, click on Conservation and click on Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.
American Heritage Chair Mary Sands asks daughters to consider participating in the American Heritage Contest. The categories are Art & Sculpture, Crafts, Fiber Arts, Literature and Drama and Music. Please contact Mary at or or 240-595-4700 for more information.
Constitution Chair Diana Fotinatos Told us the US Constitution signed September 17, 1787 has 4,543 words. Of these words approximately 4000 describe the three branches of government and 400 describe the relationship between the states and the process for making amendments to the Constitution. The first 52 words are the most important for they state the six core purposes for which the Constitution was written: connect the states, establish justice, ensure peace, provide defense, promote general welfare and secure liberty now and for the future. Diana asked: What are the first 52 words of the Constitution called? Mary Sands answered The Preamble correctly.
Commemorative Events Chair Norma Eckard recited In Flanders Fields by Canadian Physician Lt. Col. John McCrae.
Stephanie Hosid reported 54 members, 6 prospective members and 5 guests for a total of 65 in attendance at today’s meeting.
Information provided by Recording and Corresponding Secretary Lynn Deen
Chaplain Kathy Miller held a Memorial Service for Emily Queener.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Emily Queener who passed on July 10, 2018. She was a native of Mount Holly, NC. Emily enjoyed helping people and was a nurse for over 50 years. Emily worked every week at the Dosher Hospital Flea Market. Emily became a member of the Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR on February 4, 2012.
National Defense Chair Kathy Johnson reported on the iWitnessed iRemember Project. Madeleine LeBeau, a high school student and Girl Scout created this program after being inspired in 7th grade when she had the chance to speak with WWII Veterans. To find more out about this program go to
American Indian Minute Chair Cheri Lambert spoke of two types of code talkers, documented and undocumented. Research is being done to identify the undocumented cold talkers. Cheri told us of Nowata resident and Cherokee Nation citizen, George Adair, who performed telephone-talking services. Cheri informed us this is American Indian Month and she received a proclamation from Sunset Beach Mayor, Dr. Greg Weiss.
Conservation Minute Chair Mary Sands told how we could preserve an important part of our Nation’s history by planting heirloom plants in our gardens. Mary asks if anyone has started a pollinator garden to register it on the National Society’s Conservation Committee Webpage. Go to - click on Committees, click on Conservation and click on Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.
American Heritage Chair Mary Sands asks daughters to consider participating in the American Heritage Contest. The categories are Art & Sculpture, Crafts, Fiber Arts, Literature and Drama and Music. Please contact Mary at or or 240-595-4700 for more information.
Constitution Chair Diana Fotinatos Told us the US Constitution signed September 17, 1787 has 4,543 words. Of these words approximately 4000 describe the three branches of government and 400 describe the relationship between the states and the process for making amendments to the Constitution. The first 52 words are the most important for they state the six core purposes for which the Constitution was written: connect the states, establish justice, ensure peace, provide defense, promote general welfare and secure liberty now and for the future. Diana asked: What are the first 52 words of the Constitution called? Mary Sands answered The Preamble correctly.
Commemorative Events Chair Norma Eckard recited In Flanders Fields by Canadian Physician Lt. Col. John McCrae.
Stephanie Hosid reported 54 members, 6 prospective members and 5 guests for a total of 65 in attendance at today’s meeting.
Information provided by Recording and Corresponding Secretary Lynn Deen
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Lineage Workshop on November 10.
Dear Regents,
Just a quick reminder about the Lineage Workshop on November 10. Please encourage anyone from your chapter that would like to attend - there is plenty of room to learn more about applications, documentation, what is accepted by DAR and what is not... It’s the perfect time to have the State Registrars ear about general questions!
Lisa Pomeranz, Director
Just a quick reminder about the Lineage Workshop on November 10. Please encourage anyone from your chapter that would like to attend - there is plenty of room to learn more about applications, documentation, what is accepted by DAR and what is not... It’s the perfect time to have the State Registrars ear about general questions!
Lisa Pomeranz, Director
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Veteran' Day Ceremony - Not on Veterans Days but on November 12th
VETERANS DAY CEREMONY On November the 12, 2018 (Not a mistake) the American Legion Post 543 will hold its annual Veterans Day Ceremony. It will be held at 10 am at the St. James Community Center. All welcome, refreshment served after the ceremony.
Posted by John Muuss
Sunday, October 14, 2018
November Brunswick Town DAR Meeting Will be on November 14, 2018
The next monthly meeting of the Brunswick Town Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is Wednesday, November 14th at 10 AM at Brunswick Electric located on Highway 17. The program will feature our NC State Regent, Carole Weiss. . Please bring books to donate to the Literacy Council. For more information contact Regent Carol Jutte 419-529-9433 or email her at or Registrar Cindy Sellers 910/540-0301 or email her at
This will be a shorter meeting with lunch served at 11:30am. Lunch will consist of:
Sandwiches & Wraps of Roast Turkey, Roast Beef & Chicken Salad; Chips with Ranch Dip; Pasta Salad; Cake; Homemade Cookies; Sweet/Unsweet tea & water. Cost is $10.00 and due to Carol Jutte by November 10th, 2018. Payable to Brunswick Town Chapter and mailed to:
Carol Jutte
3116 River Hills Dr. SW
Shallotte, NC 28470
Other important information:
November 11, 2018, at 11:00am the Friends of Fort Caswell Rifle Range will have the dedication of the monument at the site of the Fort Caswell Rifle Range Memorial. Everyone is invited.
We Need Books, Books and more Books
This year the Literacy Committee has been concentrating on children’s books. They are asking members to bring to the November meeting children’s books, puzzle books and large print books. They will be delivered to the Brunswick County Literacy Council for their Holiday Book Share Program.
Brunswick County Schools:
We still need school supplies for our local schools. Bolivia was hit very hard with lots of damage from Hurricane Florence and the kids and teachers need your help. All school supplies are need. School supplies will be collected at the November chapter meeting. Please help our kids in Brunswick County.
Veterans Items:
Tooth paste, men’s/women’s colored t-shirts, sweat pants, coffee, sweeteners, blankets, razors, wireless sports bras, crackers/snacks all will be collected at the November meeting.
In DAR Friendship
Carol Jutte, Regent
Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR
Friday, October 12, 2018
DAR Literacy Promotion Chair, Carol Hart Delivered 250 Books to the Literacy Council
Carol Hart, Brunswick Town DAR Literacy Promotion Chair delivered 250 books to
to the Literacy Council of Brunswick County this morning. Program Director, Sue Railing, and the Asst. Adm, Patrice Agner are pictured above with the books that were donated on October 30, 2018. More books are expected to be received for donation at the November 14th DAR meeting.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
District VII DAR Members Making Donations to Help Other Daughters Who Were Hit Hard by Hurricane Florence
Lisa Pomeranz, our District VII Director attended the October 10th, Brunswick Town DAR meeting at Brunswick Electric in Shallotte, NC to inform us about the many daughters who have been affected, as a result of Hurricane Florence. She said daughters from all over the United States are mailing her donations to help the stricken families. Read her letter below to all of the Daughters.
District VII Daughters and Hurricane Florence Impact
Hurricane Florence started making her appearance in the evening of September 13. The hurricane was downgraded to a Category 1 as the storm began to stall when it neared the Carolina coastline. Early the next day on September 14, Florence made landfall just south of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. By that time, many of our Daughters had heeded the mandatory evacuation orders and were safe in other locations where they remained until the roads and conditions were safe for them to return to assess the storm’s impact on their homes, property and communities.
Even as power and water were slowly being restored and we made our way back home, the storm damage became very apparent approaching the coastal plain. Many roads were blocked including a section of Highway 17 which is the main thoroughfare along the coast. Even two major Interstates were closed due to flooding and damage. The towns of Wilmington, Southport and others were cut off for days due to flooding, road washouts and failed bridges. It took many hours longer than normal to return to our communities to see what Hurricane Florence had done to our area.
As I write this, one only has to drive through our town, and many others, to see streets lined with damaged belongings, removed from uninhabitable homes. Within District VII we know of three Daughter’s homes that are a complete loss and these ladies are unable to return to their homes at this time. There are three more that have had such significant damage that they will be unable to return to their homes for an extended period of time. On a bright note, once word got out, the outpouring of support from around the State and the country has been amazing! Daughters from West Virginia are sending almost a thousand dollars in gift cards collected in only one week! The California Daughters have offered 200 children’s books to help local schools get back on their feet! The Georgia and South Carolina Daughters have also offered to collect needed items. We are truly blessed to be a part of this organization where we reach out to those in need.
Our ladies and fellow Carolinians are resilient! But even they need assistance and you are answering the call. How can you help? The needs are great for our Daughters who have lost their homes and for our communities who have lost so much. Please send gift cards for grocery stores doing business in NC (Lowes Foods, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, etc), home improvement centers (Lowes, Home Depot), Target, Walmart, PetSmart, or national drug store chains. Your Literacy Chairman may collect books to be donated to our local schools that have suffered significant damage. Cash donations may be made to assist with immediate needs or to help Daughters pay their dues, which are due this month. Our Daughters would appreciate any cards, notes and prayers that you may have to offer. Please send your donations and well wishes to Lisa Pomeranz, 5114 Prices Creek Dr. Southport, NC 28461 and they will be distributed to our grateful Daughters and throughout the communities where most needed. Thank you so much!
Thank you all with a full and grateful heart.
Lisa Pomeranz
District VII Director
Overview of the Brunswick Town DAR Meeting on October 10, 2018
Mr. Ruocco spoke about The Seabee’s, the USN Construction Battalion. Mr. Ruocco served during the Viet Nam War as part of the 133rd Battalion. They were responsible for building hospitals and bridges and providing infrastructure. They built a runway for military planes in 56 hours. Seabees were organized during WWII, recruited from construction workers and farmer workers who already knew how to construct or operate heavy equipment, given basic military training and deployed. There were 150 Battalions during WWII, today there are only eleven that operate in 30 person teams. They still build hospitals and schools but also help with reconstruction in war zones. They still deploy with the Marines and today include women. Today retired Seabee’s volunteer in the community and among their projects is building ramps for veterans.
Dennis Ruocco, standing next to a display of scrapbooks brought in by Carol Jutte and Phyllis Wilson, Historian. Phyllis's father was in WWII and stationed in the Philippines. One of his duties was to prepare a scrapbook with photographs and detailed information of all the platoons plus write a book, which he self published in later years.
Duffle bag and scrap books.
Museum and gift shop - this is the weaving shop at Crossnore School. It is a beautiful facility. If you have never visited it before try to schedule a trip there. You can sign up for a tour of the facility. Kathy Dillinger has spent many years working there is one of the contact people who will take you on a tour.
A weaver working at the Crossnore School near Blowing Rock, NC
See that beautiful periwinkle cape on the table. Well, yes Phyllis Wilson purchased it. She can't wait until the weather gets a bit cooler to wear it. Pat Tucker, DAR Schools Chair, arranged to have all the beautiful woven scarves, shawls and caps along with placemats and napkins available at the October 10th meeting. Pat Tucker still has some of the beautiful woven items at her house. So give her a call if you are interested in seeing any of them. You can also go on line to view these items.
Vicki Elam and Cindy Sellers hold the awards presented to them by Regent, Carol Jutted. View awards below.
L to R: Carol Jutte, Regent, and Cindy Sellers, Registrar
Carol's granddaughter, Nicole Boyd will become a member of our DAR chapter. Carol just signed her papers.
Cindy Sellers, is happily watching Dana Majernik sign her papers for a new supplemental. Congratulations Dana.
L to R: Brooke Triplett, Membership Chair; Cindy Sellers, Registrar; New members: Vicki Wade; Jo-Anne Alford; Teresa McLamb; Sibyl McLamb (Teresa McLamb's mother as a guest receiving granddaughter Lydia Chandler's DAR pin); Sally Meginley; Registrar assistant and Workshops and Carol Jutte, Regent
Purple Onion Cafe
Purple Onion Cafe has been catering our lunches when we have our DAR meetings at Shallotte Electric, the second Wednesday of each month. We have been very happy with their tasty sandwiches, salads and home made potato chips.They are located at 4647 Main St. #1, Shallotte, NC
New member Vicki Wade is enjoying the choosing the variety of sandwich choices available at the luncheon provided by The Purple Onion Cafe in Shallotte, NC.
Regent, Carol Jutte chatting with member, Diana Suttle during the lovely lunch catered by The Purple Onion in Shallotte.
Amazon Smile Program
We signed up for by just going to the above website. It was really very easy to do. We often purchase things on amazonprime and you still have the same choices of items. If makes one feel good to know that they are contributing to our DAR Brunswick Town Chapter. This does not cost you any more money to buy something. It is wonderful. You can choose any organization you want to sponsor. Contact us if you need assistance.
Martha Koletar -
Phyllis Wilson -
We signed up for by just going to the above website. It was really very easy to do. We often purchase things on amazonprime and you still have the same choices of items. If makes one feel good to know that they are contributing to our DAR Brunswick Town Chapter. This does not cost you any more money to buy something. It is wonderful. You can choose any organization you want to sponsor. Contact us if you need assistance.
Martha Koletar -
Phyllis Wilson -
.Nicole Boyd signing her application for Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR along with her mother Angela Boyd (member of Brunswick Town Chapter), her brother Travis Boyd (a member of Sons of the American Revolution, Ohio) and Carol Jutte, Regent, Nicole's grandmother overseeing the signing.
Diana Fotinatos reported that many Constitution Week activities were postponed or cancelled due to Hurricane Florence and were being rescheduled. She thanked Susan Zimmerman, Heather Holbrook and Mary Sands for the bulletin boards at Supply and Virginia Williamson elementary schools and Harper Library in Southport and all who had helped with the planning of several events. Caswell Beach Mayor Deborah Ahlers did sign and has posted a Proclamation in the Town Hall. Diana and Sandy Winstead will be doing classroom presentations to fifth graders at three elementary schools.
The Constitution Minute was “While Gouverneur Morris has been nicknamed the “Penman of the Constitution,” the real hand wielding the quill that scrawled the final copy of the Constitution belonged to the assistant clerk of the Pennsylvania State Assembly. He was paid $30.00 and given just two days to write most of the document’s 4,543 words on four sheets of vellum parchment. While his script was requisite, his work was not flawless.
Between the final article and the delegate signatures on the Constitution’s final page is an “errata” paragraph listing some of the minor errors he made along with his corrections. No one could answer the Constitution question “What is the name of the man who was the engrosser or actual penman of the original copy of the United States Constitution?” His name was Jacob Shallus. But Diana awarded the prize to Cindy Sellers for remembering that American Spirit Magazine had an article on the engrosser.
Constitution Week Information:
Diana Fotinatos reported that many Constitution Week activities were postponed or cancelled due to Hurricane Florence and were being rescheduled. She thanked Susan Zimmerman, Heather Holbrook and Mary Sands for the bulletin boards at Supply and Virginia Williamson elementary schools and Harper Library in Southport and all who had helped with the planning of several events. Caswell Beach Mayor Deborah Ahlers did sign and has posted a Proclamation in the Town Hall. Diana and Sandy Winstead will be doing classroom presentations to fifth graders at three elementary schools.
The Constitution Minute was “While Gouverneur Morris has been nicknamed the “Penman of the Constitution,” the real hand wielding the quill that scrawled the final copy of the Constitution belonged to the assistant clerk of the Pennsylvania State Assembly. He was paid $30.00 and given just two days to write most of the document’s 4,543 words on four sheets of vellum parchment. While his script was requisite, his work was not flawless.
Between the final article and the delegate signatures on the Constitution’s final page is an “errata” paragraph listing some of the minor errors he made along with his corrections. No one could answer the Constitution question “What is the name of the man who was the engrosser or actual penman of the original copy of the United States Constitution?” His name was Jacob Shallus. But Diana awarded the prize to Cindy Sellers for remembering that American Spirit Magazine had an article on the engrosser.
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