Brunswick Town DAR member, Regent, and Historian attended the Wreaths Across America ceremony at Wilmington Nation Cemetery on Saturday, December 14th.
The Wreaths Across America
Ceremony was held on December 14, 2024, at noon at Wilmington National Cemetery
in Wilmington, NC. There are 5,172 Veterans buried in the graves at the
cemetery, and a wreath was sponsored for every grave. The Keynote Speaker was
Admiral Karl Schultz, 65th Commandant of the United States Coast
Guard. After the Wreaths Across America Ceremony,
the Daughters of the American Revolution and Civil Air Patrol Cadets
assisted in placing the wreaths. All attendees were also invited to place
wreaths on the graves of the Veterans. And when they placed the wreath on the
grave, they audibly said the Veteran’s name. Currently, Wreaths Across America
is sponsoring a 2-for-1 Sale, where folks can purchase one wreath and get
two. The cost of each wreath is $17. And the wreaths purchased now
will ensure each grave has a wreath next year. The 2-for-1 sale started on
December 14 and will continue until midnight on January 17. Our Brunswick
Town DAR chapter participated in this program in the 2024 wreath-laying ceremony
with 238 sponsored wreaths. At this moment, our chapter has zero
wreaths. But, by the end of January, we hope to have well over 200 wreaths
because we will have doubled our purchases. You can help in this
effort to ensure everyone who served our great nation gets a wreath on their
grave for 2025. But we have to start now. Go to
to purchase a wreath. Be sure to enter our group number, NC0009P, and the
location, Wilmington National Cemetery. You can also call the main number,
provide the locator and group numbers, and purchase wreaths. Call the
main number for Wreaths Across America at 877-385-9504; someone will
answer the phone M—F between 7 am and 8:30 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 9 am
and 2 pm. If you want to order a wreath but pay by check, contact Phyllis Wilson
at She will help you by sending you a form and
encouraging you to order using a credit card. It takes a while for WAA to
process the check. The following Wreaths Across America event is on Dec. 13,
2025, at Wilmington National Cemetery. Honor each service member who sacrificed
for our freedom by ensuring the graves of each veteran have a wreath.