Sunday, September 13, 2020

Did You Participate in Waving Flags on 9/11?


On Friday, September 11, 2020, Wreaths Across America called for every American to stand outside and wave a flag for one minute at 8:46am, at 9:03am, at 9:37am and at 10:03am.

 At 8:46 on September 11, 2001, five hijackers took control of American Airlines Flight 11 and flew into the heart of New York City and the northern facade of the World Trade Center north tower.

At 9:03 five other hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the southern facade of the south tower.

At 9:37 another five hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the western facade of the Pentagon.

At 10:03 four hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 93 into a field in Stoneycreek Township near Shanksville, PA.

Following the events of 9/11, three women (Elaine Green, Joann Miller, and Carmen Foote) we moved to find an old American flag they had stored at home and stand on a hill in Freeport, Maine, waving that flag to honor the victims. These women became nationally known a "The Freeport Flag Ladies" and proudly hoisted the Stars and Stripes every Tuesday morning for the following 18 years.

After they retired on September 11, 2019 (their last 9/11 remembrance) the following Tuesday, September 17, 2019, Wreaths Across America took the helm and continued the weekly flag-waving tradition along US 1 in Jonesboro, Maine.

Over the last six months, the flag-waving has taken on new meaning and given a spark of hope and patriotism during this difficult time in our country.

Is this something you did? It took less than an hour and a half. If you did participate, you are encouraged to send pictures of your participation in the national flag waving and share them with Wreaths Across America to honor and teach the generation born after 9/11 how hard times can strengthen us as a nation. Use #AmericaStrong and #FlagsAcrosstheCountry when posting on social media and tag the Wreaths Across America Official Facebook page. This can be done individually or in small groups. Spread the word. I hope many of you will participate and send your pictures.

On 9/11 DAR members Suzanne Horkey, Carol Sutter and Carol Jutte waved flags along with other ladies in their exercise class.

Susan Cunningham took a selfie of her near her flag outside of her house.

                                                  Mary Sands waving a large flag on 9/11.

Blog manager Phyllis Wilson asked her husband to take photos of her waving a flag at the designated times and Betsy, her DAR bear.


Pat Gooding didn't take a photo at the golf course, but she did set the alarm on her phone for each of the 4 times. As the alarms rang, she waved her flag in respect and honor of those whose lives were lost on that day in 2001. 

Please e-mail Phyllis any photos that you have taken. Also, send them to Wreaths Across America on Facebook.

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