The Brunswick Town Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution held their April 9th meeting at the Atlantic Seafood Restaurant at 10:00.
total of 74 were in attendance, which included 52 members, 3 prospective members
and 19 guests.
have 4 applications in D.C. and currently have a total of 121 members.
Fran Carlsen introduced
JROTC award winners Cadet Samantha Sparks from South Brunswick High School
accompanied by Sgt. Corbett, Cadet Arashay Eaton from North Brunswick High
School accompanied by Lt. Col. Hanna and Cadet Alison Childress from West
Brunswick High School accompanied by Col. Calisto. All the students received a certificate and a
check for $100.00.
Rhonda Amato introduced Good Citizens’ award
winners Katelyn Thomas from North Brunswick High School, Becki Ponds from West
Brunswick High School and Quentel Penn from Brunswick Early College High
School. Each student spoke about
themselves and their plans for the future and Quentel read his essay. They were presented with a certificate and a
L to R -- Becki Ponds, Katelyn Thomas, Quentel Penn.
Betsy Pessetto introduced two women
celebrating anniversaries as NSDAR members. Jean Myers celebrated 50 years and Ann
Cranford celebrated 25 years. Each Woman
was given a certificate and Jean was given a 50 year DAR pin.
Ann Cranford celebrated 25 years as a member of the DAR. |
DAR member Sandra Thomas celebrated 40 years as a member of the DAR this past April. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the meeting. Congratulations Sandra. She will receive a certificate for her years of membership.
Jean Myers celebrated 50 years as a member of the DAR.
photo edited by photographer John Muuss; Southport, NC |
“Prospective member Julie Parks signs her DAR application as Registrar
Cindy Sellers looks on.” |
Lynn Deen (seated) and Kathy Miller completed their research and signed
applications for several supplemental Patriot ancestors.”
Jackie Craft welcomed District IX Director Linda Rivenbark, who has visited all of the chapters in her district during her term of office. Linda was very impressed with the JROTC candidates and the students receiving the Good Citizens' Awards. She was pleased to see so many members in attendance at the DAR meeting.