At the coming down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them. |
Daughters, September
23rd, 2013
This chairman for the DAR Service for Veterans committee
regrets being unable to attend our 2013 Fall Forums and answer any questions
you had or assisted you with ideas to continue your support of our Veterans.Hopefully this message will be a reminder that if you should
ever need any information from this committee to never hesitate to e-mail or
call me.This chairman wanted to let everyone know that it’s that
time of year again where we should be preparing for the completion of our
nominations for our three awards to be honored at State Conference and possibly
Continental Congress in 2014. The
deadline for these nominations must be received by me no later than December 15,
The three awards will be for the following:
Outstanding Veteran Volunteer
Award - presented to a veteran in recognition of
outstanding achievement in personal, professional, and in family life.
Applicant must prove significant contributions of leadership, patriotism, and
increased public awareness of veterans' needs. The sponsoring chapter must be
in the state where the veteran lives.
Outstanding Youth Volunteer
Award - presented to a youth volunteer who serves in a
VA facility and who is 14 to 21 years of age. The award is given in recognition
of outstanding or unusual care given to veteran-patients. The candidate for the
award serves as a role model for peers and consistently demonstrates the
qualities of leadership.
DAR Service for Veterans Award - presented to a DAR member in recognition of outstanding care given
to veterans in any of the following areas: Federal VA facilities, state
veterans facilities, nursing homes, veterans shelters, and outpatient clinics.
The outstanding NSDAR volunteer has given more than her time. She has made
meaningful contributions to veterans through creative and resourceful outreach.
This chairman is sending
this message as a challenge to all chapters and will be looking forward to
hearing from everyone throughout the state with their wonderful nominations in
all three categories. Please begin
working within your chapters to nominate our Outstanding DAR members for their
humbling work with our Veterans. Also,
don’t forget our youth volunteers. These
young men and women are to be commended for dedicating time to help our
Veterans. Lastly, our Veterans Volunteers! They know what the men and women around them
have sacrificed for our Country and are paying them back for standing by them
while protecting our Country. Without
these DAR members, Youth Volunteers and Veterans Volunteers a lot of Our
Nation’s Heroes would be forgotten and alone.
Please take some
time to look around your chapters and community for your chapter’s nominations.
If you even know
of someone in another chapter that should be recognized for their outstanding
work with our Veterans; work with that member’s home chapter to ensure they
receive the proper recognition for their dedication and hard work.
With a humbled
heart and appreciation,
Anna C. Sutton
NC DAR Service for
Veterans Chairman