“Have you ever thought about what life
would have been like had you been born in the late 1700’s – during the
Revolutionary War Era? In what kind of house would you live? What kind of music
would you play” What was life really like 240 years ago?” This was the
opening of a slide presentation presented by Martha Koletar, Public Relations
Chair for Brunswick Town Chapter Daughter of the American Revolution to five,
7th-grade classes at South Brunswick Middle School.
Dressed as Betsy Ross, Martha compared the
differences in the lives of children born in Colonial Times to the lives that
today’s children enjoy. She took them back to a time when there were no
computers, no cell phones, and no fast-food restaurants and transported them
through the social and political climate of the times.
The Seventh Grade Social Studies and
History Departments put the special program together that gave historical
perspectives beginning with the Renaissance through the Colonial Period.
Martha’s presentation was, but one of many historical programs presented.
Some students dressed in Colonial and Renaissance costumes
Phyllis Wilson, also dressed in Colonial
Attire, accompanied Martha and took pictures and assisted her with a display of
Revolutionary era toys. We gave Constitution Bookmarks to the teachers for
distribution to students.
Phyllis and Martha then met Kathy Miller
(all in period costume) to have lunch and “a spot of tea” at the quaint
Southport Tea House.
L to R: Martha Koletar, Phyllis Wilson and Kathy Miller had lunch and tea at the Southport Tea House.