Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Photos from NCSDAR Fall Forum 2019

Fall Forum Registration Table

Fall Forum Central Meeting Hall
Fall Forum Speaker's Platform
Brunswick Town Regent Patricia Gooding and Vice-Regent Martha Koletar at the Fall Forum
Fall Forum instructor, Mot McMahan along with presentor, Donna Rhyne presented a topic for New Registrars, on Tricks for Preparing Documents, and Lineage Research
Brunswick Town Chapter Regent, Patricia Gooding, also serves as the North Carolina State Commemorative Events Chair. She presented a program about Commemorative Events at the Fall Forum.
North Carolina State Historian, Elizabeth Snuggs McAteer at the Fall Forum.

Davis George Benedict, CAR representative presenting CAR report at the Fall Forum.

Davis is the North Carolina Society Children of the American Revolution State Chaplain.  He has been in C.A.R. for about 6 years. 

Davis was asked by the N.C.S.C.A.R. State President, William Johnston, to be the representative at the Williamston and Raleigh Fall Forums.  Davis spoke to those who attended the Fall Forum about the State President’s project, Traveler’s Rest.  William is raising money to purchase 3 new lounge chairs for the USO lounge in the Fayetteville, NC airport.  Both of William’s parents served in the US Army and his family moved quite regularly.  They became regular patrons of the USO airport lounges as they traveled.  As an additional hands on project, William has also asked daughters and C.A.R. members to donate quilts or hand-tied fleece blankets.  The quilts and blankets will be given to those who are traveling through one of the 4 USO lounges in North Carolina….Raleigh, Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Jacksonville.  So far, 25 quilts have been donated.  He is selling pins to support the purchase of the lounge chairs.  The pins are $10.00.  You can email statepresident@ncscar.org for more information.

Davis George Benedict,  representative at the CAR display table at the Fall Forum. He was available to answer any questions.

Mary Lee Howell is currently the NC Chairman of the National President's Project and the National Co-Chairman of the C.A.R. Magazine and Newsletter Committee. She is an Honorary State President (served 2016-2017 as State President), and is past National Vice President of the Southeastern Region and past National Assistant Registrar. She is a sophomore at Johnston Community College in Smithfield and a new member of the Moseley-Bright Chapter, NSDAR in Kinston. This was her first Fall Forum as both a C.A.R. and DAR member!

Brunswick Town Chapter members enjoing the luncheon at the Fall Forum. Left is Patricia Gooding, Regent,sitting next to her is Martha Koletar, Vice-Regent, and to the right is Diane Kuebert. Jane Johnson is in the lavendar top.
Brunswick Town Chapter Registrar, Jane Johnson at the Fall Forum
Dana Majernik, Brunswick Town Chapter Historian
Thank you Dana for taking such great photos at the Fall Forum in Williamston, NC.