Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Info From the December 12, 2018 Brunswick Town DAR Meeting

The December 12th meeting was held at the BEMC (Brunswick Electric Members Coop) on
Rt. 17 in Supply. The meeting began at 10 AM, followed by a catered luncheon. We enjoyed
the music of Cape Fear A Cappella.

DAR Scholarship By Pat Steele, DAR Scholarship Chair The Brunswick Town DAR Chapter is accepting applications for scholarship awarded by the NSDAR, available to all senior students in Brunswick County. Please share this awesome opportunity for scholarship money with your children, grandchildren and neighbors. Two scholarships of approximately $2000 are available to two worth students entering or enrolled in academically accredited technical schools, community colleges, colleges, or universities. There is no GPA requirement. Deadline is February 1st. Please call 910-755- 5573 for an application and more details. There are additional National DAR Scholarships available on line at 

Constitution Chair Diana Fotinatos mentioned last month we talked about the preamble to the Constitution.  Today Diana reminded us after the Constitution was ratified, a document was added that reaffirmed the limits to the Constitution and protected the rights of all citizens.  Diana asked: “What was the document called?” Susan Erickson answered The Bill of Rights correctly.

Commemorative Events
Gerald Decker was honored for his service during Vietnam and organizing a four-day bus trip to Washington, DC for 27 veterans on October 4, 2018. Gerald is a member of the Leland American Legion post 68 who helped sponsor the trip which was put together in two months. The Veterans were men and women who served during the years from WWII to Afghanistan.

American Indian Minute Chair, Cheri Lambert told us The Passamaquoddy Tribe sent 26 men to WWI.  Inscriptions telling the story of the tribe’s involvement were discovered on cave walls in France.  Six men were wounded or died in the war and have been honored posthumously.  Cheri announced we received another proclamation in November from Mayor Alan Holden form the city of Holden Beach.

National Defense Chair, Kathy Johnson reported on The U.S. Space Command, created in 1985 to develop systems to utilize outer space by the U.S. Armed Forces.   To learn more about this Command read the November/December 2018 National Defender in the DAR Members’ section.


DAR Good Citizens, High School Co-Chair Donna Agopsowicz reported on the process of selection and each County HS has a candidate for this award.

Historic Preservation Chair, Joan Hall showed us a pin made by a member of Stamp Defiance Chapter.  The pin was voiced off with money collected going towards the Simpronius Russ Memorial preservation.  Helen Radcliffe was the winner.

                              L to R: Helen Radcliffe and Joan Hall, Historic Preservation Chair

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Program for Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America - December 15, 2018 at the Wilmington National Cemetery

Go to the YouTube video below to see the Star News coverage of Wreaths Across America.

People gathered Saturday Dec. 15, 2018 at the Wilmington National Cemetery to take part in the Wreaths Across America event.528 Boxes / 4,752 Wreaths (9 wreaths to a box).  I know the web site says we have a few more but this is what made the cutoff. 95% of our goal of 5,200.  Anything over the 4,752 most likely will be credited to next year.  These wreaths were placed on headstones across the cemetery. The program is carried out nationally every December at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.

Volunteers from the DAR Brunswick Town Chapter who manned the forces of passing out the wreaths to hundreds of people along with their volunteers from the Wilmington and Leeland area. Also, the Civil Air Patrol came to the rescue to assist opening up additional boxes of wreaths to place on the tables for the all the guests who placed the wreaths on the graves of the Veterans.
L to R: Phyllis Wilson, Historian, Carol Jutte, Regent, Pat Gooding, Vice-Regent,  Donna Agopsowicz, Good Citizen High School Co-Chair, Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chair,  Jeanne Nelson, DAR Good Citizen, High School: Co Chair and Vicki Wade, Public Relations Committee
 Amy Catanzaro of Wilmington and her husband Sam also saw an advertisement for Wreaths Across America in the Leeland Nexdoor Newsletter and decided to come up early in the morning to help. They too called Fran Carlsen and told her they would help out.
 Barbara and Matthew Hearn saw an article in the Star News about Wreaths Across America and contacted Fran Carlsen, our Chairman and met her early in the morning and worked for  hours unloading boxes of wreath to be placed on the graves of the Veterans at Wilmington National Cemetery.
 L to R: Donna Agopsowicz and Jeanne Nelson, DAR Good Citizen, High School: Co Chairs
Fortunately, for our Bag Piper, there was a lull in the rain so that he could play his bagpipe.

L to R:  Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chairman; Phyllis Wilson, handled publicity in the newspaper, Nextdoor Neighborhood Newsletters in St. James and Leeland areas, Just Judy Newsletter, e-mails sent out to numerous people in her neighborhood. Regent Carol Jutte sent out e-mails to DAR members as frequent reminders to buy wreaths. Phyllis maintains three blogs and a DAR Facebook page. All had information on how to order wreaths. Making others aware of what Wreaths Across America is all about is so important. You can purchase a wreath any time you want. Phyllis gives them as gifts for birthdays and if someone passes away. You can give a wreath in Honor of someone and in Memory of someone. If you haven't bought a wreath and would like to for 2019 contact Phyllis Wilson for more information on how to do this. There is a tab at the top of this blog that is labeled Wreaths Across America. Click on it and follow the directions. Contact Phyllis at 910-253-1474 or e-mail her at

Carol Jutte, Regent of the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter, Fran Carlsen, Wreaths Across America Chair,and Pat Gooding, Vice-Regent