L to R: Phyllis Wilson, Stephanie Joisd, Diana Fotinatos, Martha Koletar, Susan Zimmerman, Harriett Bode and Donna Agopsowics |
Recently, members of the
Brunswick Town Chapter, NS-DAR presented a skit, World War I Diary –
From the Diaries of Private Urban Christians. Pvt. Christians
expressed his loneliness and the day-to-day horrific hardships our troops
endured during the war. His faith in God and love of country never waned. Six
DAR members, each wearing a camouflage scarf, read diary entries. The person
reading wore a WWI helmet. Graphic details of the war ran in a slide
presentation while the members read.
PR and Media Chair Martha
Koletar produced the program and introduced it by citing how the war began and
the terrible consequences of war where winners and losers alike suffered so
terribly. It is hard to believe the countries of the world would ever take up
arms again.
The horrors of war
caused great suffering, and members of the DAR helped to ease the pain and bear
the burden. The United States entered the war in April 1917 and established a
War Relief Service Commission. Members helped in so many ways from
jelly making to knitting garments and volunteered their assistance and unique
skills to the Red Cross. Women filled the void in the workplace. A short
video, Women of Resilience – DAR service during World War I was
shown. It captured in pictures the vital role members played in providing
comfort and support. They were united in their resolve to provide service in
any way they could. This role of service continues today.

Diana Fotinatos, Chair Constitution Moment reminded us in a
prior Constitution Moment Shay’s Rebellion was mentioned and the great
controversy during the time resulted in that historic event. It was within a year, on February 21, 1787,
the Continental Congress resolved that… “the second Monday in May a Convention
of delegates who shall have been appointed by the several States be held at
Philadelphia for the sole express purpose of revision the Articles of
Confederation…” The original states,
with the exception of one, collectively appointed 70 delegates, but only 55
could attend and only 39 actually signed.
Diana asked, “Which state did not attend the Constitutional
Convention?” Mary Sands answered Rhode
Island correctly.
Lisa Pomeranz, District VII Director encourages chapter members to register for the District VII meeting in July.
District VII Meeting will be held July 24, 2018. There are reservation forms available. Contact Carol Jutte. The meeting is being hosted by
the Major General Robert Howe Chapter at Lake Waccamaw United Methodist Church,
Lake Waccamaw, NC. Registration is at
9:00a.m. The meeting starts at
10:00a.m. The cost is $15.50 and
includes breakfast assortment and lunch consisting of pasta salad, chicken
salad, fruit salad, roll, dessert and tea.
Lisa Pomeranz told us there is no Fall Forum this year making the
District VII meeting very important to attend.
At this meeting there will be breakout sessions lead by State Officers
and or Committee Chairs. Sessions will
include topics such as protocol, chapter finances and leadership forming.
Pat Gooding, Vice Regent gave the President General, Ann T.
Dillon’s message.
Ms. Dillon is eager to welcome members to 1776 D Street NW
for the 127
th Continental Congress.
The tentative Congress schedule is now published and the Congress App
can be downloaded or refreshed if you used previously. More information will continue to be shared
online. On May 1
st we will
join the New York State Officers Club, Jennifer Minus, President, at West Point
to rededicate the Margaret Corbin Monument and celebrate Margaret’s legacy and
valor. The DAR Museum Gallery is near completion and will be ready to welcome
guest this summer. The new gallery and study area will provide more flexible
exhibit spaces and provide new ways of engaging with the DAR Museum
collections. Does our chapter know of a classroom that could benefit from a
$500 grant? Go to
to learn more and help a teacher apply.
Last year, fifty-one $500 grants were awarded to classroom teachers. Ms.
Dillon reminds members to stay connected with the National Society by
subscribing to Today’s DAR Blog, sent via email, subscribing to the American
Spirit Magazine and Daughter’s newsletter and by frequenting the Member’s
Section of the National DAR website.
Brooke Triplett, Membership Chair told members there are two
New Member Orientations scheduled. The
first is Thursday, May 3
rd and the second is Thursday, June 7
Both will be held at her home, 418 30
th St, Sunset Beach and will
start at 10:00a.m. All new members and
those with applications pending are invited to attend. Please let Brooke know if you are coming and
to which meeting. Her email is
mermaid3333@gmail.com and her phone
number is 910-579-3339.