The January 11th Brunswick Town DAR meeting will be held at The View Restaurant in Brick Landing Plantation in Ocean Isle Beach. The meeting begins at 10:00AM followed by lunch. The menu is a Salad Buffet of mixed greens, all the topping, chicken salad, two dressings, breads and water. Buffet, tax and tip is $12.68. Coffee, tea, ice tea or soda will be billed to individuals who prefer this over water. The deadline to send your check is January 3rd. A New Change At the View Restaurant - payment for lunch must be in advance. Please RSVP by sending your check of $12.68 payable to Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR to chapter treasure, Nancy Mazzei. Her address is in your yearbook. The meeting will be held on the second floor, with an elevator we can use.
Directions from Southport: Rt. 211 to Rt. 17 bypass to Shallotte, go through Shallotte to Rt. 179 towards Ocean Isle Beach, pass by the Brick Landing Golf Course entrance to 1882 Goose Creek Road, turn left and follow to The View Restaurant.
Directions from Calabash: Rt. 17 bypass North, turn right on Rt. 904 (Ocean Isle 1882 Goose Creed Road and follow to The View Restaurant.
The chapter will be celebrating its 41st Anniversary with a special cake. Members will recognize their Patriots and past Chapter Regents in attendance will be introduced.
Chapter member, Helen Radcliffe will delight us with telling about the school merger of The Children's Home in Wins tron-Salem and The Crossnore School. You will not want to miss this interesting an d informative program.
We will be going over some of the committees on the CMR asking questions and updates of the members. Please make sure you complete reports by January 5, 2017. Remember to fill out as much information as you can.
In DAR friendship,
Diane Kuebert, Regent
This website is not an official NSDAR website. The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. The President General is the official spokesperson on issues that have not been addressed as policy of NSDAR. Contact blog manager, Phyllis Wilson at for additional information or Brunswick Town Chapter, NSDAR Regent, Mary Sands at We are located in Southport, NC.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Brunswick Town Chapter DAR Meeting is Janauary 11th at The View Restaurant
Monday, December 26, 2016
DAR Meeting December 2016
The musical bell ringing group, Seaside Bells from Seaside UMC played beautiful Christmas music during the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter's December meeting, which was held at St. James Plantation in Southport, NC.
Brunswick County Habitat for Humanity is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a non-profit ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Their mission is to end poverty housing and homelessness. Contact: Brunswick county Habitat for Humanity 4578 Long Beach Road in Southport, NC 28461 - 910-454-0007. Information provided by Habitat for Humanity's brochure. Contact them if you would like additional information. also, if you would like to be a part of the construction crew, or join one of the BCHH committees, or volunteer your time and energy at on of the three Re-Store locations. You might like to provide lunch for the consruciton crew at a building work-site. You might want to become a mentor and help the Partner Families become effective homeowners. There are many ways you can be a part of this program.
Brunswick Town DAR Chapter Regent, Diane Kuebert with guest speaker Hope Shirley.
Harold, a recipient of a home that was build by Habitat for Humanity. DAR members from Brunswick Town Chapter donated a flag to hang on his home.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Wreaths Across America
Vice-Regent Carol Jutte places a wreath on a grave of a fallen soldier.
L to R: Annetta Clark, Diana Fotinatos, Martha Koletar, Fran Carlsen and Cathy Rafferty
Today, December 17, 2016 at the National Cemetery in Wilmington, NC, Daughters of the American Revolutionary War Brunswick Town Chapter passed out Christmas Wreaths that were placed on graves of Veterans. It was a wonderful and patriotic experience! Thank you Veterans!
In 2015 there were 2,015 wreaths placed on the graves of our fallen men. This year 2016 there were 3,072 wreaths placed on the graves. That means 1,057 more wreaths were purchased this year. Our chapter is responsible for 84 of the wreaths sold this year. Go to and click donate. Then click Sponsor a Wreath at a Local Cemetery. Ours is Wilmington National Cemetery. Type in cemetery or group. Our group is Brunswick Town DAR Chapter our Fundraising Group ID is NC0009P. Put that number in and our chapter will earn $5.00 for every $15.00 spent towards the purchase of a wreath. With the monies our chapter earns every penny is spent towards our Veterans.
If each person bought one wreath last year and would buy 5 wreaths this year we would reach our goal so much faster. What I have been finding is there are people who will write out a check for 4-7 wreaths and some people even more. I have started to buy a wreath to honor people and have bought wreaths "In Memory of ." I designed a sheet in Microsoft Word with information about Wilmington Cemetery with the name of the person I was honoring and indicated my husband and my name on it. I then printed it out and mailed it to relatives of these people in a large manila envelop. I enclosed a personal note to these people. So, now in January of 2017 I already have 2 forms designed and I just need to go on the website and order the wreaths for next year, which will be on December 16, 2017. If anyone would like me to send them the information that I put on my sheet you can reach me at You need to download your own background photo or purchase patriotic paper.
Phyllis Wilson
blog manager
Sunday, December 11, 2016
December 14th Meeting at The Reserve
The Brunswick
Town Chapter December 14th meeting will be held at The Reserve Golf Club at St. James Plantation on 211 in Southport, NC. The meeting begins at 10 AM
followed by a salad buffet lunch.
Monday, December 5, 2016
The 75th Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor
The 75th Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor
Written by Mary Ellen Smith, National Vice Chair, 75th Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor
December 5th 2016
In Honolulu, final preparations are being made for the 75th Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor on Wednesday. This event is significant in American History because the surprise early morning aerial attack on December 7, 1941 killed or wounded 3400+ American service personnel, sunk or damaged 8 battleships, and destroyed hundreds of planes at nearby bases. After “this Day of Infamy” as President Franklin Roosevelt called it, the then neutral US Congress declared war on Japan with only one dissenting vote, and several days later, on its Axis partners Germany and Italy.
The 75th Anniversary of this event is especially poignant as it is likely to be the last commemoration to be attended by actual survivors of the event. The few remaining men are now in their mid-nineties. One who attended last year was age 102. The community will host numerous public and private events for survivors and their families, WWII veterans and the public.
Visit the Commemorative Events Committee page in the Members’ Section of the DAR website for information about the various events that will be held. These include band performances, tributes, commemorations, sunset memorials, movies on the beach, harbor tours, block parties and the interment of 2 recently deceased survivors at the USS Arizona site.
While most may be able to catch glimpses of some of these events on national news broadcasts, there will be live stream of the actual 75th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Commemoration. You may view the live stream on Wednesday, December 7th at 7:45 AM (Hawaii Standard Time) NOTE:
This would be 9:45 AM PST and 12:45 PM EST:
This live feed of the 75th Annual Ceremony will have narration and TV hosts and will be on air 2 hours prior to the actual Remembrance Ceremony and will include historical footage of the attack and its aftermath:
The live feed of the 75th Annual Ceremony without hosts can be found on the official Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary site here:
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
GivingTuesday is Almost Here
Written Ann Dillon, President General
Five years ago tomorrow #GivingTuesday was established as a global day of generosity,
intended to encourage philanthropy at the beginning of the Holiday season. You may
remember that last year many of you helped us fully restore the beautiful decorative
plasterwork in Constitution Hall with your gifts to NSDAR on #GivingTuesday 2015.
We share a deep affection for the DAR and our beautiful home at 1776 D Street. Today
I would like to share another way to celebrate this special philanthropic day and benefit
our Headquarters.
Situated on the grounds of our city block of buildings is the Memorial Garden. Dedicated
on April 18, 1962, the Memorial Garden was part of a three year landscaping program
during the White Administration, Doris Pike White, President General, 1959–1962. The
garden was established to honor all DAR members.
At that time, the Mississippi Fountain was a gift to the Society in honor of Margery Clark
Johnson by her four children. This fountain is the centerpiece of the Garden and serves as
a lasting tribute to the service, sacrifice and accomplishments of dedicated Daughters,
past and present.
50 years later, the Mississippi Fountain is in urgent need of repair and we believe tomorrow
will be a perfect time to raise the $25,000 needed to make these repairs which include fixing
the plumbing and replacing the tile work. Funds raised over that amount will be used to
landscape the garden, repair iron work at the entrance at 1776 D Street and provide for other
structural repairs.
To kick off this effort, I just learned of a $2,000 leadership gift made by one of our Daughters.
What an inspiring way to begin this holiday season!
Today the Memorial Garden is also home to “The Daughters Tribute,” a lovely granite
monument which heralds the sacrifice and dedication of nearly 1 million women who
have sustained our Society. As part of the National Society, this timeless memorial was
dedicated last year as part of our Quasquicentennial celebration. It is only fitting that this
Garden receives the restoration that it needs at this time.
Over the last half century, many have visited the Memorial Garden. It is a quiet haven
nestled in the middle of our nation’s capital. The solitude of this setting provides a place
to contemplate the courage and dedication of the women who have walked before us, our
mothers, grandmothers, aunts and others whose vision and determination laid the foundation
for our Society.
Your help on Giving Tuesday will keep the Memorial Garden a welcoming and inspiring
setting for the future. Please consider getting a head start on #GivingTuesday and click HERE
to give now.
Thank you for all you do each and every day!
database, accessed via the National Society’s Digital Donor Wall, honors the special DAR
members in our lives.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Volunteers Needed to Unpack Wreaths on Dec. 17th for Wreaths Across America
The Wreaths
Across America program will be held on Saturday, December 17th at
Wilmington National Cemetery on 2011 Market Street in Wilmington, NC. The Time
is 12 Noon E.S.T. Contact Fran Carlsen, Brunswick Town Chairman for Wreaths
Across America at if you would like to help unpack wreaths. You
will need to come earlier to help with this.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Wreaths Across America - Deadline to Order is November 25, 2016
Wreaths Across America
"This year, when you place a Wreath on a Veterans Grave, you will know it is not just a wreath. It's your personal gift to an American hero, and you will swell with pride, and have a tear in your eye knowing you've done something special for our Veterans and their families. God bless out Veterans and God bless America."
Fran Carlsen, Chair Wreaths Across America
You can order a wreath on line at Wreaths Across America or mail a check if you have a form. Be sure to make out the check to Wreaths Across America. The deadline to order all wreaths is November 25th. We don’t have much time, but if you are a last minute person the on line ordering is your fastest way to do it. Hope we can order 5,000 wreaths this year.
Go to this website for Wreaths Across America You will see the information below at the top of the page in red.
Welcome to the new WAA website. Sign in or watch videos about how to use our site. Don't forget to order your volunteer shirts before Sunday, Nov 27th. Click on - Choose from your favorite location or group page. This is where you type in the number NC0009Pfavorite location or group page.
1. Click the red button “DONATE.” Click Sponsor a wreath with a local fundraiser
2. Click the amount $15.00 - For every $15.00 wreath purchased the chapter will get back $5.00.
3. Fill in your information and the name of the person. Then your credit card information. If you do not get a thank you e-mail after donating or you don’t receive a confirmation e-mail, then the transaction did not go through.
4. Any questions call Marcy Beardsley at 877-385-9504 Ext. 304 or e-mail her at
Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR (NC0009P)
REMEMBER the Fallen. . . HONOR those who Serve. . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom.
Welcome to Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR’s Wreaths Across America Page. Please help our group raise funds by clicking one of the red "Donate" button to sponsor wreaths to be placed at one of the locations listed below. . . It is easy!
If you’d prefer to donate via a specific member of Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR, find the member’s name below and click the “Donate” button next to their name.
If you would like to volunteer to participate in the wreath laying ceremony, please click the “View” button next to the cemetery name below. Thank you so much for supporting Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR and Wreaths Across America!
Information taken from the Wreaths Across America site.
Fran Carlsen, Brunswick Town DAR Chapter’s Wreaths Across America chair urges everyone to order your wreaths before the cutoff date of November 25, 2016. If you need to contact Fran you can e-mail her at .
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Brunswick Town DAR Members Gave a Veterans Day Program to Residents of Dosher Nursing Home.
In the background are Brunswick Town DAR members Dale Spencer and Kitsy Lackey. In the foreground is Diane Kuebert, Brunswick Town DAR Regent.
On Veterans Day, members of the Brunswick Town Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, gave a special Veterans Day Program to residents of Dosher Nursing Home. Chapter Vice Regent Carol Jutte, members Dale Spencer and Kitsy Lackey joined Regent Diane Kuebert in presenting residents with American Flags and pinning red, white and blue ribbons on each Veteran present. Each Vietnam Veteran also was given a special Vietnam War commemorative pin. Patriotic songs were sung and ended with a Veterans Day Prayer. The group then visited a 91-year-old WWII Veteran in his room and gave him a program, flag, commemorative pin, and ribbon.
Brunswick Town Chapter DAR go to different
nursing homes in Brunswick County each year to honor and thank our veterans.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Honoring Veterans at the November DAR Meeting
Ginny Powers, State Chairman DAR Service for Veterans Delivered Inspirational Talk at November Meeting
Guest speaker Ginny Powers, State Chairman DAR Service for Veterans was the guest speaker at the November DAR meeting. She talked about a program she started at the VA Hospital in Fayetteville,NC caring for patients in Hospice. Ginny has a special dedication in her life by spending time each day at the VA Hospital assisting men and women who might not have any family member to be with to spend their last moments.
Bob Racine, The Warrior Ride, Receives Community Service Award!
L to R: Pat Tucker, Brunswick Town Community Service Award Chair, Robert Racine, recipient of the 2016 Community Service Award from the Brunswick Town DAR Chapter, Diane Kuebert, Brunswick Town Regent and Ginny Powers, State Chairman DAR Service for Veterans
The Warrior Ride is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization
founded in Oak Island, North Carolina with a mission of rehabilitation for our
injured war heroes. By implementing challenging adaptive bicycling and morale
building events, The Warrior Ride founders believe our nation’s heroes are
given an opportunity to be able to take pride in the skills they have and
redefine their capabilities through accomplishment in an atmosphere of
camaraderie and support. The Warrior Ride uses adaptive bicycling and other
morale building events, such as kayaking and golf as a tool for recreation and
rehabilitation. The Warrior Ride events take place in various locations throughout
the United States. There is no cost to the service member to participate in The
Warrior Ride events. All expenses are paid through donations and grants.
Information provided from The Warrior Ride website.
New Members Sworn in By Chapter Chaplain Kathy Miller
Kathy Miller, Brunswick Town Chapter Chaplain, swears three new members into our DAR Chapter.
L to R: Kathy Johnson, Suzanne Short and Jean Greene
Papers Signed to Become a Member of Our Chapter
Diane Kuebert, Regent; Cindy Sellers, Registrar; and Carol Jutte,Vice-Regent proudly watches while prospective member, Carol Sutter signs papers to become a member of our Brunswick Town DAR Chapter.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
North Carolina Celebrates Veterans on Saturday, November 12th
Friday, November 4, 2016
November 9th DAR Meeting at Brunswick Electric in Supply, NC
The Brunswick Town Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 10 AM at Brunswick Electric, Rt. 17 in Supply, NC. The guest speaker will be Ginny Powers, State Chairman DAR Service for Veterans. Ginny will talk about a program she started at the VA Hospital in Fayetteville, NC with the patients in Hospice. For more information contact, Regent, Diane Kuebert (910-253-8853) or Registrar, Cindy Sellers (910-540-0301).Be sure and visit our Facebook page
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Veteran's Day November 11th at Dosher Nursing Home

Rhonda Amato, Chapter Member, Entertained Residents at Dosher Last Year!
On Veterans Day, Friday, November 11th at 10:30am, Brunswick Town DAR Chapter will sponsor a program to honor Veterans at the nursing home. Come join Diane Kuebert, Regent and Carol Jutte, Vice-Regent in celebrating this important day. The DAR members will hand out American flags, and flag pins to each Veteran, and sing patriot songs All are welcome!
October DAR Meeting
L to R: Martha Koletar, Public Relations and Media Chair, Lorraine Lenkovich and Phyllis Wilson chairman for the committee
Martha Koletar, Public Relations Chair for the Brunswick Town Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution and her two assistants: Lorraine Lenkovich and Phyllis Wilson were happy to announce that their chapter won 2nd place in print coverage in the South East Division contest for 2016 for Daughters of the American Revolution. Martha presented the award at the October DAR meeting, which was held at the Trinity Methodist Church on Oct. 12, 2016. The Brunswick Town Chapter won first place in the state of NC over 103 other chapters to be considered for an award Luann Nelson, The NC State Public Relations and Media Chair sent their information to be judged to Janet Deaton, the South East Division Chair. Janet was to judge 8 states that are in the South East Division to select the winners. It is quite an honor to be selected for this award. Our chapter has won other awards in the past, but never for our print coverage.
Ron and Norma Eckart are shown here with Russell Barlowe, the husband of the late Harriet Barlowe, who was a member of our chapter and very active in the progress to stabilize the historical structure of the WWI Rifle Range on Caswell Beach that they discovered in 2011. Harriett and Russ have been very much involved in this project over the years. Harriett no doubt smiles down on the tremendous progress they have made to date on a project she so loved.
Harriett Barlowe - one week before she passed away
Ron's presentation took us from the first discovery through the progress to stabilize the historical structure, which just this year made Wilmington Foundation's list of "Most Threatened Historic Places."
Sunday, October 9, 2016
DAR Meeting Scheduled for October 12, 2016 in Southport
The Brunswick Town Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 10 AM at the Trinity United Methodist Church located on Nash Street in Southport, across the street from the Southport Post Office. The guest speakers are Norma and Ron Eckard. They will present the program, WWI Rifle Range on Caswell Beach. For more information contact, Regent, Diane Kuebert (910-253-8853) or Registrar, Cindy Sellers (910-540-0301).
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Constitution Day And Citizenship Day
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Brunswick Town Chapter NSDAR Constitution Week Events
The Town of St. James,
Mayor, Rebecca Dus issued a special proclamation to honor the 229th Anniversary
of the United States Constitution. Mayor Dus is shown with members of the Brunswick
Town Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Left to
right: Sandi Winstead, Constitution Week Committee Member; Diane Kuebert,
Chapter Regent; Mayor Dus; Diana Fotinatos, Chairman of Constitution Week; and
Martha Koletar, Chairman of Public Relations and Media.
DAR Chapter members, then
went to the Margaret and James Harper, Jr. Library in Southport to view the Brunswick
Town Chapter DAR Constitution Display. Shown left to right are: Regent Diane
Kuebert, Constitution Week Chair, Diana Fotinatos and Sandi Winstead
Constitution Week Committee Member, who designed and assembled the display.
Colonial Cooking
Colonial cooking has been an interest of Lisa Pomeranz, former Regent of the Brunswick Town Chapter and currently State Vice-Director as long as she can remember. Her passion began early and combined two of her favorite interests, history and food!
With a twinkle in her eyes, Lisa says, “I have been interested in the subject since I started doing all of my genealogical research. Some of the most treasured items passed down to me were the family cookbooks. Although I don’t have any cookbooks from the 18th century, I do proudly have some cookbooks circa 1880 passed down to me from a beloved great-grandmother.” In the Colonial period, there were a limited number of recipes and cookbooks available at the time. Most households only owned one book because of the expense, and that book was not usually a cook book!
Lisa used her engineering background to methodically study the lives and habits of women from day break until dawn. She remarks, “My on-going research has taken several different directions from studying about recipes from great historical people (which one can obtain from the National Archives) to interesting stories chronicling all aspects of colonial life that I pulled from the internet.”
In interviewing Lisa, she used an interesting word, locavore, in describing the eating habits of a Colonial family. I must confess that I had never heard the word used before! So, I looked it up. What is a locavore? It is a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food. That is what Colonial families ate ¬– their own home grown food! Healthier too with no additives, chemicals, hormones, etc.
When giving a presentation to such groups as local Vintage Lady Clubs, DAR, and Colonial Dame Chapters, beautiful Lisa is all dressed up in Colonial attire. She immediately captivates an audience as she takes us back to a time when the role played by women was a BIG one that was necessary to sustain a healthy family life. The women not only cooked and baked, but also “doctored” the household, staff, and tenants! They cleaned, tended to the needs of children, wove, dyed, made soap, made candles, pulled tobacco, sewed, milked cows and even distilled some brew! Lisa vividly brings us through a day in the life of a rugged common Colonial woman and that of a Colonial woman living a more affluent life! Their lives, and roles played were very different.
Lisa also displays period pots, utensils and other items and presents an informative slide presentation.
Lisa began giving her talks in 2009 and has since spoken to clubs throughout the state of NC. If you are interested in having Lisa speak to your group, just email her at
With a twinkle in her eyes, Lisa says, “I have been interested in the subject since I started doing all of my genealogical research. Some of the most treasured items passed down to me were the family cookbooks. Although I don’t have any cookbooks from the 18th century, I do proudly have some cookbooks circa 1880 passed down to me from a beloved great-grandmother.” In the Colonial period, there were a limited number of recipes and cookbooks available at the time. Most households only owned one book because of the expense, and that book was not usually a cook book!
Lisa used her engineering background to methodically study the lives and habits of women from day break until dawn. She remarks, “My on-going research has taken several different directions from studying about recipes from great historical people (which one can obtain from the National Archives) to interesting stories chronicling all aspects of colonial life that I pulled from the internet.”
In interviewing Lisa, she used an interesting word, locavore, in describing the eating habits of a Colonial family. I must confess that I had never heard the word used before! So, I looked it up. What is a locavore? It is a person whose diet consists only or principally of locally grown or produced food. That is what Colonial families ate ¬– their own home grown food! Healthier too with no additives, chemicals, hormones, etc.
When giving a presentation to such groups as local Vintage Lady Clubs, DAR, and Colonial Dame Chapters, beautiful Lisa is all dressed up in Colonial attire. She immediately captivates an audience as she takes us back to a time when the role played by women was a BIG one that was necessary to sustain a healthy family life. The women not only cooked and baked, but also “doctored” the household, staff, and tenants! They cleaned, tended to the needs of children, wove, dyed, made soap, made candles, pulled tobacco, sewed, milked cows and even distilled some brew! Lisa vividly brings us through a day in the life of a rugged common Colonial woman and that of a Colonial woman living a more affluent life! Their lives, and roles played were very different.
Lisa also displays period pots, utensils and other items and presents an informative slide presentation.
Lisa began giving her talks in 2009 and has since spoken to clubs throughout the state of NC. If you are interested in having Lisa speak to your group, just email her at
Monday, September 19, 2016
September DAR Meeting 2016
Musette Steck, our guest speaker for our September meeting spoke about "NC and the Constitution."
Diane Kuebert, chapter regent gets a hug from Musette Steck after she presented her with a subscription to "Spirit Magazine."
Mary Earp celebrates 20 years as a member of the DAR.
A chapter member is looking over a display from Continental Congress that Vice-Regent Carol Jutte prepared.
Dale Spencer, Brunswick Town Chapter's Spirit Magazine chair encourages members to subscribe to the magazine plus give it to others as a gift.
DAR member, Ann Warren chats with guest speaker, Musette Steck about our constitution.
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