Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vietnam War Bracelets Come Full Circle

DAR member Betsy Bergstrom gave an interesting report at the November meeting on “Vietnam Bracelets” that were worn more than forty years ago for Veterans who had been killed or missing in action. Betsy saw an article in the November 6th, 2010 Star Newspaper “Vietnam War Bracelets Comes Full Circle.” Betsy had bought one in the late 60’s for a POW fund raisers. This project brought the nation together. Over 5 million bracelets were sold. In the article a 79 year old former prisoner of war told his story of being released after enduring 8 long years of imprisonment. While he was recuperating in the hospital he received bracelets from people who had purchased one that had his name etched in the side. He had received numerous ones, which he keeps in a shoebox. He is still receiving bracelets and keeps in contact with the prior owners. Betsy still had her bracelet after all these years. She went to the web site, which was in the newspaper article to check on the status of her Veteran where she found out he was presumed still missing in action or possibly deceased. This web site is for all past wars, so this could be one to keep in your favorites or e-mail to friends.

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